We feel quite free and easy with him, not in the least constrained. 跟他在一起很随便,一点儿也不拘束。
The teacher was free and easy with his students. 老师跟学生们很随便。
She leads a free and easy sort of life and never troubles much about anything. 她过着逍遥自在的生活,从来不为任何事情烦心。
Software with a vengeance: free and easy to use in your business. 强大的软件:可以在业务中免费使用而且易于使用。
The Tomcat engine is a very good servlet engine that is free and easy to install. Tomcat引擎是非常好的一个servlet引擎,可以自由下载,而且非常容易安装。
But he was so free and easy with the money it was all gone in a year. 可是,他在钱的问题上实在很随便,一年内这笔钱就没有了。
I'm longing to be a free and easy woman fluttering in the wind. 我渴望做一个像风一般洒脱的女人。
Alice is very free and easy when she's with her friend. 爱丽丝和朋友们在一起总是无拘无束的。
Many Internet services now offer free and easy ways to create personal Web pages. 现在,许多网络服务商提供免费快捷的创建个人网页的途径。
It's not so free and easy and I like the way that feels. 这并不是简单的事,我喜欢这种感觉。
Its calligraphic works with the atmosphere, bold, free and easy, and the delicate art of style, who is widely loved and collectors at home and abroad. 其书法作品具有大气、刚劲、洒脱、和秀气的艺术风格,广为海内外人士喜爱和收藏。
Jeff is such a free and easy man, almost everybody in our office likes him. 他是一个很好的人。这人说:杰夫这个人真是很随和,我们办公室里几乎每个人都喜欢他。
Tears can be silent, but love will fade away free and easy! 泪可以保持沉默,但爱将消失自由和简单!
An impatient generation is succumbing to the free and easy lure of computer enlightenment. 如今,我们没耐心的年轻一代人正屈服于计算机求知免费方便的诱惑。
As long as they practice diligently, they will feel free and easy, regardless of their living conditions. 不过只要精进修行,不论生活环境如何,都会觉得自由自在。
By applying PU treatment, it is dust free and easy to clean. 表面进行了PU处理,具有防污、易清扫的特点。
Turned free and easy of go away, let figure burger in your mind. 转身洒脱的走开,让你的头脑中留下美图汉堡的印象。
Defensive instincts militate against free and easy exchange of ideas. 自我保护的本能对思想的自由顺畅交流产生不利影响。
She leads a free and easy sort of life. 她过着一种无忧无虑的生活。
Full composition, coherent, vivid image, the rough free and easy. 构图饱满,完整连贯,形象生动,粗犷洒脱。
Don't worry about formality at my parents'house-it's always very free and easy there. 在我父母家不必讲究礼节-那里总是个无拘无束的地方。
Not the first what? I still live very free and easy. 没有了第一次又怎么样呢,我依然活的很洒脱。
If, I will enjoy the free and easy, exile themselves, then my life would not have become extraordinarily meaningful. 如果,我会尽情的洒脱,放逐自己,那么我的生命是不是也就会变得格外的富有意义。
Thus, the talented person can cross the joyful free and easy spot. 这样,人才能过得快乐洒脱一点。
I think that there is no heart murmur smile flow, there will be no free and easy life. 我想,没有潺潺流过心里的微笑,便没有人生的洒脱。
The atmosphere in our office is very free and easy. 我们办公窒的气氛很自由轻松。
This really hurt, I will not change that you want a person, and that a free and easy. 这次真的受伤了,我永远变不了你想的那一种人,那一种洒脱。
Using my intelligence and precision work to make you highly respectable also free and easy. 以我的智慧和精工,裁剪你的尊贵和洒脱!
I'm free and easy, let's go shopping all day. 我现自由自在的,让我们花一整天逛街购物吧。